WiFiMon Hardware Probe Configuration Page

Fill the following information to configure the probe

Step 1

Probes are identified by an ID

Insert WiFiMon Hardware Probe number:

Step 2

Probes trigger measurements towards the WiFiMon Test Server (WTS)

Insert WTS FQDN or IP address:

Step 3

Measurement results are collected by the WiFiMon Analysis Server (WAS)

Insert WAS FQDN or IP address:

Step 4

If available, probes trigger TWAMP measurents towards a server

Insert TWAMP server FQDN or IP address:

Step 5

Define the protocol used to communicate with WAS and WTS


Step 6

What is the probe location?

Insert probe location:

Step 7

Where is the probe within the previous location?

Insert more specific location:

Step 8

Is the WiFiMon Hardware Probe behind a NAT network?


Step 9

Insert Authentication Token

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